1. The four most beautiful, sweet, well behaved children ever.
2. My husband of almost 10 years who gets better every year.
3. Having more than one place to share Thanksgiving day with family.
4. That BJay was able to fix our busted water line and we didn't have to call a plumber...except for Donovaughn at 8pm last night. Thanks D!
5. For the blessing of living near a lot of our family.
6. For the blessing of having my children grow up near most of their cousins, both sets of grandparents, one set of great grandparents, 6 aunts, and 5 uncles.
7. For really good health insurance!!!!!
8. That BJay's employers are paying for our great insurance.
9. For two nights of dinner brought in. Thanks Paige and Cyndi!
10. For Black Friday sales...and sisters to shop with!
11. That my body is able to heal so easily.
12. That the bill for my surgery wasn't as astronomical as I was expecting it to be!
13. For awesome friends both near and far!
14. That my mom gave me the sewing machine she won when I was 12 that she's secretly wished she kept.
15. That cooking a turkey is optional for me.
16. For people who don't even know me who have prayed for me.
17. That we bought this house we're fixing up even though I have done nothing but complain about it.
18. That I get to stay home with my awesome children.
19. For only having made 1 trip to the ER in almost 6 years of being a parent. *knock on wood*
20. For the extra joy that having children during the Holidays.
21. That I can put up the Christmas tree in our new house soon.
22. That my mom has just about finished knitting stockings for all of my children that match the one I had as a kid.
23. That my husband doesn't care so much that dinner is almost never on the table for him when he comes home as long as breakfast is there when he wakes up.
24. That my pediatrican told me I should eat as much as I want since I'm breastfeeding a 13 pound baby.
25. For the blessing of living at a time where amazing support and advice can come from support groups on the internet!
26. For my son's Kindergarden teachers who want him to improve and succeed.
27. For all the things I've learned from TLC's "What not to wear" that I'm not doing.
28. For the "thankful turkey" on my fridge that lists the blessings my children are thankful for.
29. For the blessing of being able to share what we have, not matter how much we have.
30. That I've made it to 30 and learned that my true sucesses and most treasured blessings are not what I thought they would be when I was 20.
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